Saturday, July 16, 2011


(Palak Patel - Script Mag)

SWATH Producer Palak Patel provided fans with a podcast interview of script writer, Evan Daugherty, and himself where they discuss the origins of the project Snow White and the Huntsman.

The interview was conducted by Jenna Milly, writer for Script Magazine.  She delvs into the history of the development of the script to its pitch to studios to the hiring of the director.

The interview reveals that Patel knew he had something different and special after reading the script.  He wanted to make the film knowing that there were two more Snow White projects in development (Relativity and Disney). 

Patel provides a dramatic description of the process of aggressively pitching the script to major studios (Fox, Universal, Paramount etc...) over a single weekend and insisting on an immediate greenlight only to find themselves in a 6 studio bidding war in the end. 

The interview includes Daugherty's thorough account as to how he developed the script.  The script was initially entitled "The Huntsman" where he featured the Huntsman as the main character.  However, this interview shows how Patel's influence expanded the script to include Snow White and to develop her into a stronger female character.

When listening to Patel, fans can clearly hear the enthusiasm that he and Producer Joe Roth as well as Director Rupert Sanders have for the project.

Instead of providing loose quotes from the interview, we insist that fans listen to it for themselves.  It is fascinating to hear the origins of the project from where it was to where it is today. 

You can hear the podcast here.

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