Monday, August 15, 2011



 Comic Book Movie posted pictures of the current set of Chris Hemsworth's 'The Avengers' set in Cleveland, Ohio.  Fans can see a lot of damage and distruction.  Looks like a big action sequence.  Nice to see an actual movie set without all the CGI particularly in this genre.

CBM states:

"With the cameras reportedly set to roll on the location tomorrow, production prep for Marvel Studios' The Avengers, transforming East Ninth Street into New York City's famed 42nd Street, is shaping up nicely."

CBM added comments with the photograhs which we recommend fans read here as they provide an account of the set building i.e. the dropping of bricks from the roof tops to destroy the cars.

It is unknown if Hemsworth will appear during the filming of this sequence but if he does, it will be reported here.

You can review previous set shots here. You can follow Comic Book Movie's Twitter hereEnjoy some of the set pictures below.  See a couple more at Comic Book Movie.

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