Friday, August 26, 2011



Hoskins received only 8.33% of the votes, poor Bob.  Hoskins starred in the 1984 version of "The Cotton Club" as real life gangster Owney Madden.  Madden was the owner of the famed Harlem, New York nightclub in the 1920's called The Cotton Club. It only show cased the best African American of its era such as Duke Ellington, Ethel Waters and Cab Calloway (who may be known by a younger generation as a singer in the movie 'Blues Brothers').  The club only patronized Caucasian clientele and was a front for Madden's alcohol sales due to prohibition.

'The Cotton Club' which stars Hoskins was directed by Francis Ford Coppola who is a producer for 'On the Road' which stars Kristen Stewart who is starring in 'Snow White and the Huntsman' with Hoskins.  Did we just get another Six Degrees of KStew out of this?  LOL!

The remaining poll votes are as follows:  Ian McShane at 50%, Ray Winstone 25%, Johnny Harris 16.67%  and Vincent Regan 0%.

You can read more about the real life Madden here and The Cotton Club here and here for the site of the current establishment. You can purchase 'The Cotton Club' on Amazon here.

Stay tuned for the next "Test Your 'SWATH' Knowledge". Better luck next time *smiles*.

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