Thursday, September 15, 2011



Look Magazine (U.K.) hones in on Kristen Stewart's style seen at this years Comic-Con.  Stewart wearing a tee of Mitra Khayyam creator of Blood is the New Black.  Khayyam prints tees of the works of designers and photographers to help launch their careers and support the underground art movement. 

In an interview with Fashion Industry Network, Khayyam, Blood is the New Black was formed out of her thesis at Parsons School of Design in New York [fashion design school seen on "Project Runway"].  She states, "I believed that artists could reach a wider audience by using the  tee as a canvas, BITNB somewhat came to prove my point".

With Stewart wearing the tees, this will definitely bring popularity to the brand. These designs can be purchased now at and starting at  £40.

You can read the rest of her interview here. You can purchase tees online at BITNB here.


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