Wednesday, September 28, 2011


'WalesOnline', the online version of 'Wales News' published an article today with details of SWATH filming on Marloes Sands in Pembrokeshire.

"The actress' stunt double has sparked a few false sightings in recent days, while it's believed Stewart has been flying into Pembrokeshire from London each day by helicopter."

"Film-makers Universal Pictures remain tight-lipped about the filming schedule for Snow White and the Huntsman, but a cavalry of horses was seen galloping towards nearby Gateholm Island and it is understood a castle is to be digitally superimposed into the scene."

They also included some pictures that I hadn't seen yet.

source: WalesOnline

The article also discusses how filming is helping boost the local economy.

"Sue Twidale, who owns the Clock House Bed and Breakfast in Marloes, where film-makers from Snow White and the Huntsman are staying, said: 'There is no doubt that film producers help bring a boost to the local economy and have made a conscious effort to locate crew at local establishments such as ours. A film such as this will no doubt spark interest in the area and entice tourists, which is certainly welcome,' she said."

You can read the entire article here.

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