Friday, October 28, 2011


As Kristen Stewart continues to film Snow White and the Huntsman in the U.K., she's slowly finding the "inner-British" side of herself as she partakes in the British lifestyle during her stay.

Celebuzz reports a list of questions asked by Glamour U.K. during their interview for their December issue "whether she is a Brit Girl or LA Woman":

How do you take your tea?

With milk and a little bit of honey — which is weird, I guess.

What’s your pub drink?

[Proudly] It’s a pound.

Gastropub or old-man boozer?

Oh, old-man pub, definitely.

Sausage sandwich or bacon butty?

I don’t know what a butty is. [I explain] Oh, bacon.

How do you feel about beans on toast?

I love beans on toast.

Sunday roast of choice?

Chicken or lamb.

Have you adopted any British swear words, like ‘wanker’?

I love that word, but in my accent, the funny thing about using British slang — ‘f*cking wanker’ — is it just sounds so off.

American jocks or British lads?

[Looks momentarily ruffled, hides a small laugh and does an 'aw, shuck' gesture] Well, I’m kind of repulsed by jocks from anywhere, so I have to go with the lads.

Favorite British music?

Laura Marling. Man, I’m such a huge fucking fan. Rob introduced me to her on Twilight because he thought that [her music] was right for the movie. I love her.

Favorite London hangout?

I’ve had some really good roast dinners … the Swan & Edgar in Marylebone.

Favorite London memory?

[Another laugh] God, I can’t even tell you, so annoying. Erm, hmmm… I spent my last two New Years here, and both of them were f*cking incredible.

Read more Celebuzz here.  The remaining portions of Stewart's interview can be read in Glamour U.K. upon its release.

Photo: Glamour UK 

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