Sunday, December 18, 2011


MTV is holding several year-ending polls which both Kristen Stewart and SWATH are listed.  All of which both are losing either closely or badly.

Fans have to get on it and VOTE!!!  Anyone who says that Bell and Edward is not the Best Movie Couple out of all the couples listed is just not living in reality.  Bella and Edward is the most talked about couple in movies today.  Sorry Harry and Jenny but you're just not that hot. 

SWATH is also up for the Most Anticipated Movie losing hugely to 'Hunger Games'.  But the 'Green Lantern' was mostly anticipated as well and we all know what happened with that one.  That is not to say that 'Hunger Games' will meet the same fate; however coming out before SWATH, we'll see how the box office compares in the end.

We made it easy for you to vote for Stewart by providing the direct links. Vote until your fingers hurt and then vote some more.  Let's get her a clean sweep. So GO VOTE before it's too late!!

Best Movie Couple (Bella & Edward)
Best Cinematic Sexytimes (Bella & Edward)
Most Anticipated Movie (Breaking Dawn Part 2 & SWATH)
Best Movie Ensemble (Cast of Breaking Dawn) Best Dressed Movie Character (Bella)

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