Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Vogue Italia

Teen Vogue interviews Kristen Stewart about SWATH. She touches on themes seen in previous interviews. Here are a few highlights:

Is there something you really admire about Snow White?

Yes. It's strange playing a character that you could never truly embody. I can't have Snow White's effect on people. I can't actually be completely selfless because nobody is. You can only really play a character like that in a fairytale and play it with an awful lot of integrity.

She's a very fully formed but "very farfetched from the reality that we live in" type of person. She also is strong in a very different way than you'd expect.

I mean, like she's strong. She can kick ass. But you're not watching going, "Yeah! Kill him!"
Really, it's more like you're watching someone having to do something that doesn't just go against your sensibilities or that you agree with. It's gutting.

Do you like that she's not like your prissy fairytale?

She is prissy sometimes. It takes her the whole movie to become who I'm talking about now. It's a total identity movie, all about not finding yourself, but actually just being okay with who you know you always have been. It's an enormous burden and she's so stunted. She was put away when she was seven years old and her mother and father were killed basically right in front of her and we're not doing the version of a fairytale where you just sort of skim over those things.

She literally bleeds for her land and her people, and that's a cool concept for me because it's other people caring about people. Every day you see people not caring about each other, and this is just about that.

She's a very fully formed but "very farfetched from the reality that we live in" type of person. She also is strong in a very different way than you'd expect.

Does she learn to be a leader or is she born a leader inside?

She's definitely a born leader. It's literally pumping through those veins, but it's been taken from her.
Do you like that she's not like your prissy fairytale?

She is prissy sometimes. It takes her the whole movie to become who I'm talking about now. It's a total identity movie, all about not finding yourself, but actually just being okay with who you know you always have been. It's an enormous burden and she's so stunted. She was put away when she was seven years old and her mother and father were killed basically right in front of her and we're not doing the version of a fairytale where you just sort of skim over those things.

She literally bleeds for her land and her people, and that's a cool concept for me because it's other people caring about people. Every day you see people not caring about each other, and this is just about that.

She's a very fully formed but "very farfetched from the reality that we live in" type of person. She also is strong in a very different way than you'd expect.

Does she learn to be a leader or is she born a leader inside?

She's definitely a born leader. It's literally pumping through those veins, but it's been taken from her.

How did you feel the first time you put on the armor?

Yeah. The first thing you wanna do is [hits chest and screams]. There's something kind of dainty about it, too. It fits a woman's body better, I feel. I don't know, the guys running around suddenly look like little toys—slightly feminine little toys.

Read the rest of the interview here.

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