Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Today, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed our suspicions that Universal would move Snow White and the Huntsman in another direction by removing Snow White, who was played by Kristen Stewart, from the sequel if the franchise was to continue.

Considering this unfortunate move, we will no longer continue with the fansite.  

Snow White and the Huntsman ended on a note that left us wanting more regarding the relationship dynamics between Snow White, the Huntsman and the Prince along with the dwarves.

With Universal indicating that this relationship dynamic is now lost and Snow White is no longer a part of the story, we feel the story has lost what made it special and different in Hollywood... a " medieval-styled film with a strong female lead." 

Now, SWATH will become another "male dominated franchise" as most all of Hollywood films are today and that is unfortunate.  Its uniqueness has been lost.

We wish all of the cast and crew that we got to know and like and even love, going on two years, the best.  We hope you all have success with the next film or films as the franchise continues.  You will be missed.  I know we will be following all of your careers. 

On a personal note, it has been my honor and pleasure to entertain all of the fans with SWATH news and news about the cast and crew.  I would like to thank CheerMom and Malenacasey for all of your help and assistance with our site.  You guys are the best!!!

A special thank you to Karenxan for making all of our banners.  Hugs!

As for the fans, you guys are the best.  I know you are upset but this is a business and so let it be written, so let it be done.  

The blog will continue to exist with all of its sources (Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest).  They will not be deleted.  Let the record show we fully supported this project and cared to the very end.

If for some miracle a fairy floats into Universal's offices and snaps them out of whatever stupor they're in and wake up and know that women exist in the world and appreciate strong female leads like Kristen Stewart, well...we may just reopen.

It was a blast gang, a true blast.  See you somewhere on Twitter soon.  Take care.  Love you all!!

Chief Administrator/Editor 
The Enchanting Beauty


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