Wednesday, October 8, 2014


All photos belong to this site & Dancerone

Kristen Stewart attended the Forum Film Festival Q & A after the 'Camp X-Ray' screening held at the NYU Law School's Tishman Theater Tuesday night. 

Stewart was joined by director and writer Peter Sattler as they answered questions posed by the host and audience. Fans enjoyed a very insightful input from Stewart and Sattler. 

I am a wee bit tired from the prior night's escapades, but check out my somewhat spoilerish but not too much review of the night below.

More after the break

Stewart appeared nervous when she first sat down and would not make eye contact with the audience for a few minutes but later relaxed as she clasped her hands placing them between her knees.  She did massage the chair when she first sat it in enjoying its plushness giving the audience a laugh.

Stewart and Sattler explained how they approached characters and scenes. One question posed by the host which neither Stewart or Sattler ever considered was looking at the relationship between Stewart's Pvt. Amy Cole's character and Ali Amir played extremely well by Peyman Moaadi as a "lovers relationship without the sex." 

Sattler expressed that he never looked at it in that way. The host pointed out how Cole addressed something to Ali (not saying what) using the word "love."  The conversation was intriguing to say the least because 'Camp X-Ray' could be looked at an off-beat love story.

Sattler explained that they do have a relationship that is more than just detainee and soldier but pondered that it was a "love story. Stewart was certainly surprised by the host's analysis but agreed it could be is some odd way. 

Sattler did indicate that the words he initially wrote for Cole was changed after Stewart brought the character to life. Stewart even gestured scratching out on a page the words which were re-written to fit what she brought to the role.

Stewart did not go without blessing the audience with an F-bomb when answering a question. The fans around me thought they've been blessed by the Pope being int the presence of a Stewart F-bomb.  

As for the film:

I enjoyed the film immensely.  It took a turn at the end which was unexpected.  Kristen embraced the role of being a military soldier. She was believable. Her intonation and gestures were on point. 

The chemistry between Kristen and Peyman deserved all the praise that everyone has been giving. Peyman gave a spectacular performance. Both made you want to see them onscreen together just to hear what he would say next and her reactions to it. 

There was a scene that was heart-breaking and kept you on the edge of your seats. This scene was confirmed to be 15 pages long by Sattler. It is the part in the trailer where you see her grab his arm. He cut the scene substantially. Everyone was curious to know what was left on the cutting room floor because it was so intense. Kristen said the scene was emotionally draining to film particularly when you had to do it twice from both of the actor's perspective.  She became really animated when describing how she had to do it again from her point of view after doing it the first time.  

As for the criticism of it being somewhat disjointed and/or slow, it was not as bad as some said it was. Looking at it technically you could pick at something here or there (which I'm not going to do).  You can apply the same to any Marvel film which has their flaws as well if you want to be really honest. However, the film worked and that is why audiences really like it (Rotten Tomatoes audience gives it a popcorn at 73%). 

I craved for one more scene between Cole and Ransdell at the end because Lane played evil so well. One more tweak at Cole or visa versa would have been good. 

One thing is for sure, all Harry Potter fans should rush to see it. This film gives a funny and touching wink and nod to the books. That's worth seeing itself. Reminds me of a review  I read stating that Sattler could have cut out some of the Potter scene. No way!!! Every minute of it was worth it. 

In all, I truly enjoyed the film. It received a fervent ovation. The audience would have continued the ovation had they not started to bring in chairs and tables along with the hustle and bustle of security and people which peaked the curiosity. We know who was coming (smiles).

I want to give a shout out to the really nice blonde haired young lady (forgive me but I forgot your name) who kept line cutters in check. She respected those of us who were waiting for a few hours and kicked them to the back of the line where they should have gone in the first place.  Another shout out to the desk guard who let us in to wait. Shout outs to the moms and grandmoms who attended for themselves although their daughters were there too (Shannon and @flawlessstew). 

This goes to show that Kristen has a very diverse fanbase. It is amazing to see a wide array of fans for one so young. That is a testament to her work.  

The night was lovely, the company was lovely. The film was amazing. The host was funny and insightful and Kristen and Peter were great.    

Run to the theaters and see 'Camp X-Ray' October 17th. It was worth the wait.

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