Friday, February 20, 2015


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Stewart now stands among firsts. The first man to walk on the moon. The first to discover how to turn straw into bricks. The first person to win a Jeopardy championship. Whatever the first is...she will always be the first at what she achieved tonight in film history. 

There will be time to sit back and eat up every interview and every photo taken at every angle to celebrate what was witnessed in that audience, on television or online. But for now there is a need to reflect on what happened. 

History was made tonight. Film history, American history, world history...history was made. 

It is not easy to get the prestigious Cesar Award which is France's equivalent to the American Oscar.  If it was, she wouldn't be the first. Kristen Stewart made history twice by not only being the first American actress in 30 years to receive a nomination, but the first to win it. 

The first....

More after the break

Stewart won the Best Supporting Actress award for her work in the French film 'Clouds of Sils Maria' directed by Oliver Assayas and starring the legendary French actress Juliette Binoche both of whom received nominations for their work in the film. The long ceremony was held on a rainy Friday evening in Paris, France. 

Being the first to do anything places you in a historical light which no one can ever take away.  

From her mother to Julianne Moore who stars in 'Still Alice' with Stewart and is set to win her first Oscar this Sunday, tweeted with glee about her win:

The first one...

How do you put it into words what was witnessed tonight regarding the historical significance Stewart has placed herself in film history? She will be in film study books for college programs, noted forever in Hollywood film history and if she's lucky, an answer on Jeopardy. Neither Stewart nor anyone could have predicted this for her.  And based on her reaction, she never expected it.

But for Stewart receiving this award on this night was even more special because she was able to share it with Academy Award winners Sean Penn who was the honorary Cesar recipient and her SWATH mate Charlize Theron.  

Penn directed Stewart in the 2007 film 'Into the Wild'. Penn was an integral part in Stewart's career because Stewart's performance in the film led her to the role as Bella Swan and that, as they say, is history. 

The first one in an entire nation's history...  


To be on such a huge world stage being the first in the United States and its territories, to do something as a first which is usually set aside for an Olympic champion breaking a record or a scientist discovering a new medical breakthrough, is pretty exceptional considering that Stewart wasn't born when the last American actress was nominated. 


She's a special one alright. 

She was surprised, giggly and humbled to receive the award.  She was reluctant to initially handle the award to the presenters surprise. That provided a chuckle and not a surprise to anyone who remembers the bobbling popcorn at the MTV Movie Awards. 

This once little girl who showed an inkling of promise in a film called 'Panic Room' has grown up before our eyes to be a beautiful talented young woman.  She has her ups and downs like the rest of us, but in all her little girl dreams could she have ever dreamed of making history like this?  

Yes, the Oscar ceremony will be held this Sunday and most likely the only "firsts" that will make headlines will be personal achievements as being a "first-time winner" along with a possible upset or two. Having a true headline-making historical achievement like what Stewart did today will be remote at best. 

Looking at the overall picture, this win is just a tad bit sweeter because no one has ever achieved it in America. It's a first. To hold a special place in history ain't a bad place to be.

The first one...EVER.

Congratulations Kristen!! Well done!

See more photos here.

Source 1/2/3 & Google Images

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