Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Here it is, the quiz to find out how much you know about this cast!  

For the past year we have been writing about the cast of SWATH.  You've watched more video and read more articles about them.  But what do you know about them and their role in Snow White and the Huntsman. 

Everyone knows that Kristen Stewart plays Snow White but do you know who her riding stunt double was or did you know that there are cast members that starred in some really popular films or that they're champions in a particular sport.

So play along, get to know the men and women that will be up on the big screen in just a few hours and win some cool prizes while you're at it. 

Here's how:

Take the SWATH quiz and enter to qualify to win prizes such as:

- SWATH Book 
- $20 Fandango Gift Certificate (so you can see it again) 
- Snow White wall banner
- Grand Prize $100 HSN gift certificate for the purchase of SWATH merchandise at the 24-hour event tomorrow (US only); or outside the US, $50 towards SWATH merchandise to be purchased through a website of your choice. 

All quiz entries must be submitted by 9pm EST.  Winners will be notified by email or Twitter DM. 

Entries will depend on the number of quizzes received the correct answers.  If there is more than one entry with all of the questions answered correctly, then each one will be entered into the drawing. If no one has all of the answers correct, then the entries will be based upon the highest number of correct answers. So if there are 10 out of 30 entries that have one question incorrect but no one has all of the answers correct, the 10 will be entered into the drawing. If one part of the answer is incorrect, the entire answer is incorrect. All of the answers can be located on the Snow White and the Huntsman IMDb page and this fansite. 

Note: The number of qualified entries will determine the amount of prizes issued.  However, a Grand Prize winner will be selected.

Hint: Use the search button on the site page with a keyword. 



Little mistakes were made such as: 

Dropping the "Small" off of Izzy's name; forgetting to list the either the character names or the name of the actor in the 2 part question, misspelling Xavier's name; skipping a question and my favorite question which was the ultimate "gimme" - What films Toby Jones starred in...the answer was "all of them."

One wrong answer divided the 2nd place from the Grand Prize winner.  1 wrong answer...

Extremely nice job everyone!!  You know your cast!  Here are the winners:

Grand Prize:  @NinJanine9 -  $50 purchase of SWATH merchandise at the website of your choice.  

2nd place:  @jenannrodrigues - $20 Fandango Gift Certificate

3rd place:  Ng - SWATH Book

4th place: @danielfoez -  SWATH Book

5th place: Clark - SWATH Book

6th place: Gomez - Wall Banner

You will be notified as you indicated for mailing details.  

Congrats to all winners!!

4. Xavier Atkins, Young William in photo

5. Bob Hoskins is Muir

6. Maya Beiser, Cello Goddess (nickname) in photo    http://swathfansite.blogspot.com/2012/03/swath-orchestra-update-diva-on-cello.html

7. Toby Jones starred in all of the films. Harry Potter, Hunger Games & Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy

8. Paul Warren - Warrior in Duke's Army
    Brendan McCoy - Emaciated Peasant
    Alex Moore - Duke's Knight
    Sarah Molkenthin - Peasant
    Max Maganello - Duke's Warrior
(Matched names with character)

9. Their first names are "Duncan" (Casey, Mais & Meadows) They are not all in the Dark Army. Meadows is a "Woodsman".  Accepted "uncredited" roles. 

10. Mixed Martial Arts (Jess Liaudin is champion in this sport)

11. Johnny Harris, Quert in photo

12. Christopher (as shown on IMDb, not Chris) Obi, Mirror Man in photo (as gold mirror)

13. Brian Gleeson is seen with Ray Winstone during press junket.

14.  BLANK...no question free answer credited

15. False.  There are two vocal songs on the soundtrack: "Gone" & "Breath of Life" http://swathfansite.blogspot.com/2012/05/hsn-features-sneak-peek-of-swath.html

16. Combat International is known for their work in 'Robin Hood' & are friends with Russell Crowe. http://swathfansite.blogspot.com/search/label/Clanranald%20Trust

17. False. Kristen hit Chris in the upper nose area.

18. Raffey Cassidy, Young Snow White

19. Brian Gleeson, Gus
      Nick Frost, Nion
      Johnny Harris, Quert
      Bob Hoskins, Muir
      Eddie Marsan, Duir
      Toby Jones, Coll
      Ian McShane,  Beith
      Ray Winstone, Gort
In photo, in this order from the left

20.  King Magnus, Noah Huntley
       Duke Hammond, Vincent Regan
       Finn, Sam Spruell
       Broch, Dave Legeno
       Iaian, Jamie Blackley

21. Izzy Meikle-Small, Young Ravenna in photo

22. Ravenna's Mother, Anatasia Hille
      Riding Double, Jamie Lee Verne
      Farmer, Guineviere Edwards
      Sara, Anabelle Wallis
      Dwarf Double, Karen Anderson
      Snow White Stunt Double, Helen Steinway Bailey
Match name with character.

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